由日本大賽的常勝軍學校,埼玉縣立伊奈學園綜合高等學校的吹奏樂顧問:宇畑知樹 老師協助監修。
String Builder 一套受到許多教師青睞的弦樂學習教材,低音大提琴第三冊。
String Builder 一套受到許多教師青睞的弦樂學習教材,低音大提琴第二冊。
String Builder 一套受到許多教師青睞的弦樂學習教材,低音大提琴第一冊。
Essential Elements for Strings offers beginning students sound pedagogy and engaging music, all carefully paced to successfully start young players on their musical journey.
Essential Technique for Strings includes exercises for the higher positions and shifting, along with scales, bowings, and special techniques.
The second book in the Essential Elements for Strings series reinforces the techniques learned in Book 1, and also introduces new concepts and develops skills in areas such as dynamics, rhythms, and sight-reading. Features a broad scope, comprehensive detail, great pacing, thorough reinforcement, and much more!
Tailored to beginning students, Essential Elements for Strings Book 1 covers techniques such as instrument position, fingerings, and bowings while incorporating theory and history lessons throughout. Features a broad scope, comprehensive detail, great pacing, thorough reinforcement, and much more!
Essential Elements for Strings offers beginning students sound pedagogy and engaging music, all carefully paced to successfully start young players on their musical journey.
Strictly Strings String Bass Book 以豐富的教材設計,循序漸進的安排,快樂享受學習的樂趣,精選世界民謠、著名古典旋律、熟悉的交響樂主題及原創創新的作曲,一套為學習者更有效提升能力及精心設計的教材。
Strictly Strings String Bass Book 以豐富的教材設計,循序漸進的安排,快樂享受學習的樂趣,精選世界民謠、著名古典旋律、熟悉的交響樂主題及原創創新的作曲,一套為學習者更有效提升能力及精心設計的教材。
The Really Easy Bass Book為初學者精選22首富想像力與創造力的小品,包含傳統旋律、古典和特別創作旋律,樂曲循序漸進安排,附有鋼琴伴奏,可逐步感受到拉奏音樂的魅力與樂趣。Very First Solos for Double Bass with Piano Accompaniment
Strictly Strings Bass Book 以豐富的教材設計,循序漸進的安排,快樂享受學習的樂趣,精選世界民謠、著名古典旋律、熟悉的交響樂主題及原創創新的作曲,一套為學習者更有效提升能力及精心設計的教材。