Early Start on the Double Bass【Volume 3】Bärenreiter's Sassmannshaus

Sassmannshaus Tradition教材系列,使用已超過三十年成為德語系國家最受歡迎的兒童教材,事實上,超過數百萬學習者成功的經由此教材學會拉奏。樂曲以彩色印刷及可愛插圖呈現非常適合兒童使用。第三冊加入舞曲及不同調性低音提琴二重奏作品。
- 庫存狀況: 尚有庫存
- 出版社: Bärenreiter
- 原文書名: Early Start on the Double Bass, Volume 3 Double bass ( und Piano)
- 作者: Close, J. Peter / Sassmannshau
- 系列名稱: Bärenreiter's Sassmannshaus
- 出版日期: 1970/1/1
- 總書頁: 64
- 商品編號: 9790006540280
The long awaited Sassmannshaus method “Early Start on the Double Bass” is now here. At last students of the largest instrument in the string family can make use of this tried and tested method for beginners, developed by Egon Sassmannshaus for the other string instruments and applied here to the double bass by Holger Sassmannshaus and J. Peter Close. This method will meet the needs of the growing number of young bass students.
“Early Start on the Double Bass” encompasses everything that one would expect from a Sassmannshaus method: an easy start, progression at a suitable rate, many cross-references to the other string instruments, songs and scales in different positions from early on, as well as many duets. Lively and colourful illustrations by Charlotte Panowsky complete the edition.
For more than three decades “The Sassmannshaus Tradition” has been the household name for excellence in beginner string methods in German-speaking countries. The English editions for violin, viola and violoncello, which were introduced to the international market in 2008, have proven to be very successful, particularly in the United States.
1.Preface / Vorwort 2.Pieces with Piano / Stücke mit Klavier 3.Ornaments / Verzierungen 4.Major and Minor / Dur und Moll 5.Triplets / Triolen 6.Articulation / Artikulation 7.The Position Three-and-a-Half (Intermediate Position) / Lage III einhalb (Zwischenlage) 8.Arpeggios / Dreiklänge 9.The Fourth Position / IV. Lage 10.Harmonics / Flageolette 11.The Fifth Position / V. Lage 12.The Position Five-and-a-Half (Intermediate Position) / Lage V einhalb (Zwischenlage) 13.The Sixth Position / VI. Lage 14.Preparation for the Upper Positions / Vorbereitungen für das höhere Lagenspiel
書籍資訊 | |
記譜法 | 五線譜(一般) |
原文語言 | 德文 |
特徵 | 兒童適用 |
適用對象 | 入門 |
樂器 | 低音大提琴 |
裝訂 | 平裝 |
形式 | 譜 |
外型尺寸 | 大於A4 樂譜常用尺寸 |