Rubank Instrumental Collection【Solos for Strings】Viola Solo(First Position)

Solo for Strings精選多首著名曲目,改編為簡單的中提琴樂曲,適合一般學習者及團體課程使用。
- 庫存狀況: 缺貨
- 出版社: RUBANK.INC.
- 原文書名: Rubank Instrumental Collection Solos for Strings Viola Solo First Position
- 作者: Harvey S. Whistler
- 系列名稱: Rubank Instrumental Collection
- 總書頁: 14
- 商品編號: 073999732108
SOLOS FOR STRINGS represents an indispensable collection of famous com-positions, styled in easy arrangements for solo playing on the violin, viola, cello and string bass, all with Piano Accompaniment. The material presented is admirably suited for players with only a limited amount of technic, or for those who have only studied their respective instruments a short length of time. The collection may be advantageously utilized as SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL to accompany ANY class or individual method, and is so arranged that it may be used equally well in either homogeneous or heterogeneous groupings of stringed instruments.
Students should have no difficulty in playing SOLOS FOR STRINGS after just a few months of study, and progressive music educators of the public schools will find it convenient to draw upon the materials of this collection for student recitals presented at the end of the first or second semester of school as a cul-mination of the work of the elementary string class.
Heretofore, the lack of easy music for such instruments in particular as the viola, cello and string bass, has been a factor in limiting the possibilites of solo performances by students studying these instruments. However, with the advent of SOLOS FOR STRINGS, a definite step forward has been taken edu-cationally by providing materials that will fill a long-felt need and which will not only enhance the value of the elementary stages of string class study, but will also increase its scope and vitalize its possibilities.
All of the solos used in this collection have been carefully bowed and edi-ted, with particular attention being focused on scoring each solo in an idiom characteristic of the instrument for which it was being arranged.
It is to the thousands of string players in the schools of America, that this collection of SOLOS FOR STRINGS is respectfully dedicated.
Harvey S. Whistler
書籍資訊 | |
記譜法 | 五線譜(一般) |
原文語言 | 英文 |
特徵 | 西洋古典 |
適用對象 | 高級 |
樂器 | 中提琴 |
裝訂 | 平裝 |
形式 | 譜 |
外型尺寸 | 大於A4 樂譜常用尺寸 |