Eta Cohen's Easy Violin Duets【Book 3】

Eta Cohen's Easy Violin Duets【Book 3】
Cohen Violin Method系列為小提琴初學者設計簡單二重奏樂曲,融合許多基礎拉奏技巧,使學習者在拉奏中增進技巧及享受合奏的樂趣。
- 庫存狀況: 缺貨
- 出版社: Novello
- 原文書名: Eta Cohen's Easy Violin Duets Book 3
- 作者: Writted and arranged by Christ
- 編訂者: edited with helpful teaching n
- 系列名稱: Cohen Violin Method
- 總書頁: 32
- 商品編號: 9780853607632
- ISBN: 9780853607632
NT 359
NT 440
未稅: NT 359
The duets in this volume increase in difficulty: more advanced keys and rhythms are introduced and the musical demands are greater. The score format is used to encourage players to be aware of both parts. The duets cover a wide range of styles and introduce pupils to the music of different periods and countries. The two parts of are equal difficulty and the main melodies are shared between the players for equal interest.
‧La Bourbonnaise ‧Patapan ‧When Laura Smiles ‧El Pano ‧Gavotte ‧Hush-you-bye ‧Bourree ‧Ah Poor Bird ‧Affettuoso ‧My Love She's But A Lassie Yet ‧Halling ‧Sicilienne
書籍資訊 | |
記譜法 | 五線譜(一般) |
原文語言 | 英文 |
特徵 | 兒童適用 |
適用對象 | 入門 |
樂器 | 小提琴 |
裝訂 | 平裝 |
形式 | 譜 |
外型尺寸 | 大於A4 樂譜常用尺寸 |