Ragtime Favourites for Viola【CD+樂譜】Position 1-4

Ragtime Favourites for Viola【CD+樂譜】Position 1-4
Scott Joplin為美國作曲家和鋼琴家,以Rags音樂風格著名,是歷史上少見的黑人音樂家,Rags是類似爵士樂一種音樂風格,精選最為人熟知的「The Entertainer」等樂曲及收錄一些不為人所熟知作品,改編為中提琴演奏曲,隨書附音樂CD伴奏,跟著CD伴奏,讓好聽的配樂完美地襯托出您的演奏。
- 庫存狀況: 缺貨
- 原文書名: Ragtime Favourites for Viola
- 作者: Scott Joplin
- 總書頁: 34
- 商品編號: HL44002564
- ISBN: 9790230008549
NT 492
NT 518
未稅: NT 492
Scott Joplin is a famous as a composer of rags. His popular tunes,such as The Entertainer,are often heard on radio and television in various guises. The rags in this book include some of his best known pieces and also introduce a number of works not so often played.
The CD included in this book contains professional performances of all the melodies. It also provides piano accompaniments for great play-along CD.
Song List:
•Magnetic Rag (Joplin)
•The Entertainer (Joplin)
•Rag Time Dance (Joplin)
•The Chrysanthemum (Joplin)
•New Rag (Joplin)
•Fig Leaf Rag (Joplin)
•Pleasant Moments (Joplin)
•Maple Leaf Rag (Joplin)
書籍資訊 | |
記譜法 | 五線譜(一般) |
原文語言 | 英文 |
特徵 | 流行音樂 |
適用對象 | 入門 |
樂器 | 中提琴 |
古典作曲家 | Scott Joplin 史考特·喬普林 |
裝訂 | 平裝 |
形式 | 譜 |
外型尺寸 | 大於A4 樂譜常用尺寸 |