Scales Plus! for Violin All Levels of Students

Scales Plus! for Violin All Levels of Students
Scales Plus教材包括音階、音調、音準及把位練習,適合各種程度學習者,藉由基本的概念延伸發展更準確的音調及在演奏不同調性及把位的正確轉移熟練性。
- 庫存狀況: 尚有庫存
- 出版社: Summy-Birchard Music
- 原文書名: Scales Plus! for Violin: All Levels of Students: Scales, Keys, Intonation, Positions, Shifts
- 作者: William Starr
- 總書頁: 47
- 商品編號: 9781589511385
- ISBN: 9781589511385
NT 264
NT 531
未稅: NT 264
Scales Plus! is the first all-inclusive study of scales, keys, intonation, positions, and shifts in one volume. It is designed for "nearly" beginners to advanced students. Teachers will be delighted with the concepts underlying the development of excellent intonation, great facility in reading and playing in different keys and positions and great facility and accuracy with shifts. Contains 1,234 common key patterns, 128 common shifts and 106 lines of exercises for 3-octave scales and arpeggios.
Scales Plus! is the first all-inclusive study of scales, keys, intonation, positions, and shifts in one volume. It is designed for "nearly" beginners to advanced students. Teachers will be delighted with the concepts underlying the development of excellent intonation, great facility in reading and playing in different keys and positions and great facility and accuracy with shifts. Contains 1,234 common key patterns, 128 common shifts and 106 lines of exercises for 3-octave scales and arpeggios.
書籍資訊 | |
記譜法 | 五線譜(一般) |
原文語言 | 英文 |
適用對象 | 高級 |
樂器 | 小提琴 |
裝訂 | 平裝 |
形式 | 譜 |
外型尺寸 | 大於A4 樂譜常用尺寸 |