Frozen【Piano Play-Along , Volume 128】Piano/Vocal/Guitar/Audio

精選7首最新迪士尼動畫電影「冰雪奇緣」原聲帶主題曲Let it go及多首插曲鋼琴/彈唱/吉他曲集。隨書附示範/伴奏mp3線上免費下載。
- 庫存狀況: 尚有庫存
- 原文書名: Frozen Piano Play-Along Volume 128
- 作者: Various
- 系列名稱: Piano Play-Along
- 出版日期: 1970/1/1
- 總書頁: 55
- 商品編號: HL00126480
- ISBN: 9781480386440
Your favorite sheet music will come to life with the innovative Piano Play-Along series! With these book/audio collections, piano and keyboard players will be able to practice and perform with professional-sounding accompaniments. Containing cream-of-the-crop songs, the books feature new engravings, with a separate vocal staff, plus guitar frames, so players and their friends can sing or strum along. The online audio features two tracks for each tune: a full performance for listening, and a separate backing track that lets players take the lead on keyboard. The high-quality, sound-alike accompaniments exactly match the printed music. This volume includes seven songs from the Disney smash, including: Do You Want to Build a Snowman? • Fixer Upper • For the First Time in Forever • In Summer • Let It Go • Love Is an Open Door • Reindeer(s) Are Better Than People.
Song List:
- Do You Want To Build A Snowman? (from FROZEN)
- Fixer Upper (from Disney's Animated Feature FROZEN)
- For The First Time In Forever (from FROZEN)
- In Summer (from Disney's Animated Feature FROZEN)
- Let It Go (from FROZEN)
- Love Is An Open Door (from Disney's Animated Feature FROZEN)
- Reindeer(s) Are Better Than People (from Disney's Animated Feature FROZEN)
書籍資訊 | |
記譜法 | 五線譜(一般) |
原文語言 | 英文 |
特徵 | 影視配樂 |
適用對象 | 進階 |
樂器 | 鋼琴 |
裝訂 | 平裝 |
形式 | 譜 |
外型尺寸 | 大於A4 樂譜常用尺寸 |